Passion for briNGing primo to the people
Noël works at Almacoa, the importer of Primo Ceramic Grills for the Benelux and France.
Surrounded by these top-notch grills and hearing all the positive feedback from satisfied customers, he has become a true fan of Primo. His growing passion for cooking and the Primo community has led him to showcase his skills at events and even consider hosting Primo cooking classes.
Primo is more than just a barbecue; it’s about a lifestyle that puts great food front and center. And Noël’s journey exemplifies just how much a Primo can change the way you think about outdoor cooking.
As Noël always say, “The only downside to owning a Primo Ceramic Grill is that when you attend a BBQ at a friend’s place who doesn’t have one, it’s just never as good as home.”
When you’re in yjr Primo family, you like to share your knowledge and help others to succes – and that is exactly who Noël is. He aleways help other with his Primo knowledge, to secure that they get better grillers. Sharing is caring Noël says, and when people find out that he is working with a BBQ brand, they immedtastely starts asking questions.
So, if you meet Noël on the road, just start talking to him, and you’ll experience his passion for Primo Ceramic Grills.